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Saturday, 25 August 2012


I've been told that my last few posts have been completely indifferent (any guesses on who?). Well, I have to admit that it is true! I really have nothing to write about! I might be suffering from a case of writer's block!
Anyway, today I am going to talk about rumours! Why is it that people believe lies so easily, but when it comes to the truth, they completely tune you out? Rumours that have no solid base, and are completely ridiculous spread like wildfire and before you know it, everyone is talking about it! And if you try to quell them, no one is willing to listen to you! Rumours can be both harmful and harmless! But nonetheless, they hurt those whom they are about! I guess spreading rumours is a form of bullying too! People are much quicker to believe the faults of a person without even knowing them! But when you highly praise someone, why is it that they take much more time to form their own opinion? Is it jealousy? Just like we have more words to describe unhappiness and discontent, we have very few words to express our happiness! Isn't that sad? No one likes being spoken about in a negative way, but one form of comfort is the saying, "what goes around, comes around".I honestly believe that people get what they deserve! If today I say something mean and untrue about one of my classmates or just someone I know, I can't expect that there won't be any consequences for me! Maybe not right away, but there are always consequences! Sorry I chose such a random topic! There is nothing really going on with me, and rumours are a common occurence in school life!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Family and Food! You Gotta Love them!

Hello! As you know my cousins are in town and yesterday, we went to Inorbit mall! So, i got picked up from school by my mom and my cousin Vineet! So, two of my friends, came along with me to say hello! And, he like an idiot, says, and I quote,"Yo wassup? I'm from America!" What kind of weirdo says that? It's so embarrassing! Couldn't he say just a normal hello? Well, that's that! Nothing can be done about it! Anyway, today my sister is coming back!!!!!!!! I'm meeting her after 2 whole months! Family. What would we do without them?
The added advantage of having aunts and uncles and cousins in town, is that the food you get is amazing! Now that Didi is coming, my grandmother is going to make all kinds of amazing food! My mouth begins to water just by thinking about it!!!!! Not that I haven't been getting good food, considering my aunt and cousins are in town! Like yesterday, my grandma made one of my favourite desserts-caramel pudding!!!! Oh, did I mention, my grandma is like, THE best cook in the world! She has the magic touch in her fingers! Mmmm.. her american chopsuey, her ginger chicken, her chocolate cake, her biryani, her cutlets..... The list is endless! I'm probably boring you by now! My mom says my last few posts were completely random! No substance at all! I actually agree with her! It's like I have writer's block!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Independence Day!

Hello!!!!! My cousins have arrived! It's almost been a week! I can't believe it's only a week before they leave! Time really flies when you're having fun, right?!? Anyway, tomorrow is Independence Day-15th August! It's been 65 years since we threw the Britishers out! While, India celebrates only one day when we gained freedom, everyone has days when they gain freedom, don't they? Be it freedom from parents or from bullies or from, just yourself... It's the day you just manage to break free... Show your true colours to the world! My way of expressing my freedom and independence, I guess! But if I'm asking for freedom, it probably won't be so pleasant! It would probably be me screaming my head off and crying! But I've never really had to ask for anything, my mom gives me quite a bit of freedom! But that doesn't stop me from throwing the occasional tantrum!
Anyway, tomorrow, me and my mom are going to do our usual thing. We will go to our colony's flag hoisting, followed by the national anthem and of course, a DELICIOUS breakfast!!!!!!!
So, before I sign off, I wish everyone a very Happy Independence Day!!!!

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Hi!!! I officially turn 16 and a half today! My birthday is exactly 6 months away! I'm one of those people who does a countdown for her birthday! Especially when it gets really close! Now I'm 1 and a half years away from becoming 18! Then I can vote, drive etc. etc.! Anyway, today I'm going to write about, well... I don't really know! I actually had a dream about my new blog post last night! But when I look back on that dream, it sounds really silly! I mean, whatever I can remember of it! That's the problem with dreams, isn't it? You never remember them! I wish dreams were like Tata Sky Plus! You could just put them on record and watch it whenever you want! I'd love to know what goes on in the subconscious part of my brain! Then I could interpret it in any way I wanted! Most of the times, the dreams feature people from school and I constantly try to remember what they were doing in my dream! I don't know how people remember their dreams! I wish I was like Rakhi's mother in Chitra Divakaruni's 'Queen of Dreams'! Then I could understand not only my dreams but also others' dreams too! But I guess every coin has two sides, doesn't it? I wouldn't want to predict my own death! I'd rather live in the moment!
That's about it, I guess! Goodnight! Sweet dreams!

Friday, 3 August 2012

Clothes and Phones!

Hello! It's just a few days before my cousins come to Hyderabad! I'm super excited! Just yesterday we were sorting out mine and my sister's cupboards! She has three! One consists of all her kurtis and salwar kurtas that she used to wear to college! One consists of her westerns and another consists of traditional Indian clothes that both of us can wear! Well I can wear all her clothes! But anyone who sorts out her cupboard will have a nightmare of being strangled to death by clothes! I was completely exhausted by the time I was done! The plus side is, I now have a zillion clothes to wear! I always did, but now I can access them easily! I don't have my sister looming over me ominously, threatening to torture me if anything happens to her clothes! I mean, when we were shifting our house, she made me go back to get one of her dresses that was lying downstairs. I went and got it, and I wanted to take some stuff that was left in my cupboard, so I went to get it. Little did I know, she followed me there and when I was upstairs, she started yelling saying her dress was missing! That's how little she trusts her baby sister! Isn't that sad? God, I sound so weird, don't I? Trust me, I'm even crazier in person!
Right now, there is absolutely nothing new with me! As usual! I told one of my friends that I have a pretty boring life and it's very true! Right now, I've finally convinced Mom to buy me a new phone! My actual own phone! Uptil now I was using my sister's hand-me-down! I'm trying to decide which one I want! Any suggestions?