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Wednesday, 17 October 2012


You know who fascinates me? Shakespeare! I think he is the most brilliant man to have ever walked the earth! I know people think he is a complete pain in the butt, and is hard to understand, but actually his writing is very simple! By that I mean to say, what he conveys through his writing is pretty basic! Shakespeare didn't sugar-coat anything. He portrayed people the way they were! He was a man ahead of his times and wasn't afraid to show ugliness, hypocrisy and evil. Because people don't change. The circumstances do. We are currently covering Macbeth in school, and what Shakespeare tries to say through his characters is is so true. Sure, the language is complicated, but that's the way they spoke! Macbeth represents ambition, greed, envy, weakness. He tries to say that his wife coaxed him into murdering his king, but in the end it was his fault! If he truly didn't want to kill King Duncan to seize the throne, he wouldn't have gone ahead with it. Eventually it was his ambition that brought his downfall, not his wife. His wife is, if possible, even more ambitious than Macbeth. And obviously the stronger of the two. She advises him every step of the way and doesn't feel indecision for a second.
That's another thing I love about Shakespeare. He didn't make his women the cliches, the most of the other playwrights did. You know, the weak damsels-in-distress, always needing someone to take care of them. All of them were strong and had a voice and weren't afraid to express themselves. Thye weren't just ladies sitting pretty. They had backbones! Be it Rosalind in As You Like It, Lady Macbeth in 'Macbeth', Cleopatra in 'Antony and Cleopatra' and list goes on and on!
I could talk about Shakespeare all day long, but I'd probably bore you to death! So I'm signing off, till next time!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Mark of Athena!

Hi there! I'm both ecstatic and on the verge of tears! I just read 'The Mark of Athena'. And it was AMAZING! The ending? Oh! Heartbreaking! And now I have to wait another year for the next book! I actually couldn't have read it unless I wasn't reading tumblr yesterday! Being the Curious Connie that I am, I couldn't resist reading spoilers, because the book doesn't come out in India for a month atleast!! That is another bone that I really need to pick! It isn't fair that it takes longer to come out in India, than anywhere else! Well, I needn't complain! While reading the spoilers, I spotted a link to the e-book! And it was free!!!!!!
I don't know if I was just waiting desperately for the book to come out, but I think it was one of his best! It was extremely well-written! And the ending? OH MY GOD! He left us at a cliffhanger, both literally and figuratively!! This book had a lot of characters from mythology! Hercules, Aphrodite/Venus, Bacchus, Arachne etc. etc. Frankly, I think I'm going to start all over again, just to savour it all over again! I'm doing my best to not to let out any spoilers! I totally recommend it for Greek and Roman mythology! And for Rick Riordan lovers!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Tumblers and Chocolates!

Hello there! I know I'm a terrible blogger, considering I haven't updated my blog in almost three weeks! But if I just write total crap, because I don't really feel like writing, that's even worse! What is writing, if not from the heart? Currently, I'm on a mission to become super-slim, as I'm told, by my sister, that I've begun to look like a tumbler! That is just terrible! I cannot become fat! So, I've stopped eating chocolates and ice-creams, and I'm participating in a dance in my school's annual day program, to knock off some weight! I've also decided to get into a regular exercise routine, to keep the weight permanently off!
The thing about going on a diet is that, unless you are 100% committed, the craving never stops! Actually, everything starts looking a thousand  times more delicious! Like today! We went grocery shopping, and every time I saw Nutella, or chocolate chip cookies, or Brittania chocolate cake! Oh and Dairy Milk Silk! The forbidden does have a certain allure, doesn't it?
I'm not saying I'm starving myself. I can't do that! I love food way too much! It's just that I've gotten into the habit of really hogging on food and need to start eating in moderation!
 I hope to be very slim by the time it's Diwali, because that's when my sister comes back, and I want to show her that I'm no longer fat! Sorry, random topic! The diet is the only thing new with me! What's new with you?