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Monday, 31 March 2014

Too much time

After the board exams, I've been left with a feeling of complete uselessness. I have nothing but time on my hands. Although, I do have a long list of things that I want to do this summer. I want to learn French, I want to swim, I want to learn how to drive, I want to organise my horrible mess of a bookcase and I want to improve my general knowledge skills.
I wonder how many of these I'll manage to do. It's not impossible. But along with the heat that summer brings, it also brings a feeling of lethargy. The desire to just sit in the comfort of your home, wearing a comfy pair of shorts with a good book and a cold coffee is strong enough to overpower any will to do something productive. Surprisingly, my mother hasn't asked me to get off my butt either literally or figuratively.
I'm sure her patience will wear thin soon enough. She's been giving me flak for being so careless with this blog. She told me that I can no longer call writing a passion, since I hardly write anymore. I talk about her an awful lot, don't I? I think I've mentioned her in each and every post I've written till date.
Anyway, as I was saying, I hope I manage to do most of those things during this summer. I've run out of things to write at the moment, so on this merry note, I bid thee farewell. May your morrow be bright and beautiful. Sorry for that, I've been reading too much of 'A Song of Ice and Fire'!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Being Different.

I apologise for my prolonged absence. A lot has happened in the few months I vanished off the face of this blog. A new year has begun, I'm done with my boards and as a result, school, and lastly, I've turned 18!
Doesn't really make a difference, since I haven't learnt how to drive yet, nor have I gotten myself a Voter ID card. Well, I do intend to make this a summer to remember. I guess I'm a little rusty with my writing, since I haven't written in ages, but I'll try to keep you entertained.  As I write this post, I sit beside my sister who's reading 'Lord of The Rings', and opposite my mother, who's working on a presentation and is going crazy over not being able to think of a word to describe something. My fingers itch to reach for 'A Storm of Swords', the third book in the ' A Song of Ice and Fire' series. But I must write, because it's something that I know I'm good at, and shouldn't take for granted.
I remember a conversation I had once with my mom while sitting at a neighbour's house. She was telling me, like she has so many times before, that I have to learn to enjoy my subjects. I was about to reply, saying I loved English, when she said English doesn't really count. It's necessary, of course. It's an advantage. But it doesn't guarantee a future. To say that annoyed me to no end would be an understatement. But I know what she said was true. Where is the future for the ones who love to dream? The ones who have their head in the clouds? What would I do with a degree in English? 
Only those who have their heads screwed on tight have a chance of surviving the urban jungle that our world had become. How is it fair?? Shouldn't being different be celebrated? Shouldn't choosing the road less travelled by be appreciated? Shouldn't there be more importance devoted to the arts? To literature? The smell of the pages, the complete absorption in the story, the beauty of the words. My friends mock me. For loving to read. They say what's the point? It's so boring. It's a waste of time. But I don't care. It doesn't matter if you love something that no one gives a damn about. All that matters is that you enjoy it. Don't rub it in anyone else's face. But be happy that you have something that makes you happy.
And when you're happy, you make people around you happy.