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Monday, 2 January 2012

Just A Little Dream Of Mine!

I haven't blogged for quite a long time and thought maybe I should post something in the new year. So my mom and I were watching Gilmore Girls and we were discussing a character Jess- played by Milo Ventimiglia and I said that he also starred in Heroes as Peter Petrelli. That's when I proclaimed that I wanted to have superhuman abilities! My mom says having human abilities should be enough for me but I don't know... Wouldn't it be cool to fly or to heal as soon as you get hurt or to have dreams that can predict the future! I think it's very cool to have superpowers! I have always had a certain fascination with fantasy. You know like the Greek Gods being real and having kids with humans producing demigods, existence of Hogwarts, a school of magic and the most recent being vampires and werewolves ( The Vampire Diaries was a major contributing factor!). I,for one keep making up stories in my head about being the daughter of Apollo and fighting Laistrygonians and Kronos and various other monsters! I also fantasize about being a witch studying at Hogwarts! Just like Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley! It's been a dream of mine to battle Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, attend McGonagall's transfiguration classes, marvel at Prof. Flitwick's shortness and of course, be a member of the Slug Club if Slughorn would let me! I guess it's one of those dreams which can only come true if I'm transported into a parallel universe! Like that's ever gonna happen! But hey! A girl can dream, right?


  1. neha (your cousin)2 January 2012 at 15:47

    hi chunna! i totally agree with you on the harry potter thing:) its the beeesssttt.
