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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Best Sweet Sixteen Ever!

I'm finally sixteen!!!!!!!!!!! This day was amazing! It was the best party ever!!!!! I don't think I've ever had more fun at a party! I cannot believe I wasn't looking forward to it!! I can't remember laughing as much as I did today! I take back my previous opinion! Sweet sixteens rock! I got the most amazing presents from my friends as well as my parents. This was possibly the best birthday of my life! Well, now I have to think of return presents to give to my mom and sister. I hope they tell me what they want. Knowing them, I have a pretty good idea of what they are going to ask me. My sister will ask for eternal slavery and my mom will ask for a foot massage everyday and a zillion hugs and kisses. The day just flew by and I didn't even realize it. I've been in a fantastic mood all day. Not a single tantrum from my side, although I did get angry when my mom told me I looked fat in the dress I was wearing. But then, who doesn't, right? Mamma says that it's my only vanity. Maybe becoming sixteen has changed me. Stranger things have happened! Who knows, maybe that can be one of my return presents, not making them deaf, I mean! I hope I'm still like this tomorrow! Even I don't enjoy the screaming much! It doesn't get me anything anyway! Anyway, I'll try to write tomorrow too!

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