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Thursday, 7 June 2012


God! Shifting a house is such a pain in the butt! There is so much work to be done! The first day, we decided to take all our shoes to the new house. It was just two houses down, (please don't ask me why we moved to a different house in the same colony! I've answered that question one too many times!) so we,(me and my sister) stuffed our shoes into packets and carried them there! And we have WAY too many shoes! Now I get why my grandmother calls us spoilt brats! And those were just the shoes! After that we carried cutlery, crockery and so on and so forth! Finally removed into our new house.... But our work was far from complete! The air conditioners were tripping,so we had to get new MCBs',the television and the DVD players had to be connected! I accidentally screwed up the sound bar wire, earning the nickname 'ruiner'! I've sworn not to go anywhere near the connections again! And look what that resulted in! No one has connected the other DVD player! Someone has to and it ain't gonna be me! The curtains had to be put onto the rods and my sister has gotten into a kind of tizzy! Every single day she wants to do the dusting of the house! She goes to the gym before I wake up and before she comes I make the beds so that she doesn't start screaming about that as well! And dealing with people is not easy! And we've had to deal with a lot of people. Starting with the household help to the electricians and plumbers! Then our Internet got disconnected and it took them a week to connect it again! I was cursing BSNL day and night! Can you imagine a week without Internet? I can live without Facebook, but without Wikipedia and google? No way!anyway, I guess we've finally settled in, but it takes time to adjust to a new house. I still kind of miss our old house, with all it's faults! Nostalgia, I guess!

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