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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Gender Equality. Or Should I Say Inequality?

Hello! I just finished my first semester exams! I hope I did well! Fingers crossed!
Anyway, these days I've been wondering what India means by gender equality! Men still walk around like they own the world and everything should happen according to their wishes! Their wives must work, must cook, must clean, must take care of the children, must do everything! Most of us see this everyday! And now, many women are earning more than their husbands! But still! Men feel like they are a superior species!
    If not for women, they wouldn't have even come into this world! Women do everything, and all we expect in return is a little gratitude and love and affection! I'm not saying that men don't do anything. There are some men who help out their mothers, sisters and wives and daughters. But they are very rare exceptions! Like my grandfather, for instance!
  Why are we the ones who always need to make the sacrifice? Why not them?! It isn't fair! Then again, life isn't fair! The world boasts of how men and women are at par with each other. But is it really true? A woman who fights for her rights is considered aggressive and unpleasant, and in some cases, it is true. But do people really expect us to let others walk all over us like we're doormats? We can't be at everyone's beck and call all the time! After all we are just human beings too! Well, we should now not take anything lying down! Who cares if we are called aggressive? The world isn't a kind one, and while we shouldn't be cruel, we should be able to survive and live on equal terms! I hope this wasn't preachy! My mother says I can be like that sometimes!


  1. You know what the worst part is?
    The superiority complex is not absent in quite a few guys of the current generation either.
    and that's just very sad to see.

  2. Exactly! If anything it's seeming to get worse!
