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Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The Ugly Truth...

Hey! If you're reading this you're reading this, you've lived through doomsday! Sorry! Cliched, I know! Anyway merry Christmas! I know I haven't written in a long time, but I couldn't think of anything to write! Currently, me and my family, are watching the news like crazy people because of the rape case in Delhi. It is such an ugly thing to happen, but as much as I hate to admit it, not an uncommon occurrence in our country! Like my mom repeatedly says, all women in India have been through something unpleasant with men! I just can't believe the gall that most men have! I mean, how dare they think that it's okay to do something like this! And then try to blame it on the women! How is it ever the woman's fault? Is it her fault that she's a woman? Should she not work, wear the clothes she wants to, assert herself, become successful? It's not fair that men act as superior beings! We live in a democratic country, shouldn't all of us have equal rights? I mean our constitution looks great on paper, but when will we actually follow those principles? I was watching a show called 'We The People', where an actor Rahul Bose said that part of the reason this happens is because men  can't deal with the fact that now women are coming up in life, are getting ahead and it infuriates them! How will our country even develop socially, when men can't accept the fact that they have to be equal to women? How can anyone be proud of a country that can't protect it's women? It's a shameful thing and I hope that for once our government does something about this situation!

1 comment:

  1. It's true..every woman in India definitely has had an unpleasant experience with a man.
    Sure,we can hang the rapists...but what bothers me,is what about the rest of the monsters?
    and what about the general "It's India,so chalta hai" attitude ?!
    And I really don't think putting black dots as profile pictures on social networking sites really helps.I mean,they aren't even taken seriously by anyone with high authority in the Government.
