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Sunday, 5 May 2013

My Incessant Rambling!

Hello there again. My mom just read my previous post and told me that, anyone who hasn't read the book will not understand what I am talking about. Apparently, I do this a lot. It's like I delve into the depths of something that no one really knows or cares about and just ramble on and on and at the end of it, people don't really like it. Ah.. the plight of being a writer! Although I have given up on that dream. A bit too risky for me. I don't know if I have the talent to become as big a hit as J.K. Rowling or J.R.R Tolkien, or if I have the depth to write as well as Khaled Hossieni and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. Their words are magic. They weave stories filled with beauty, tragedy, fraternity and so much more!
Big shoes to fill in, if at all they can be filled in!
Either way, getting back to the topic at hand, I started this blog to be heard. But what's the point of being heard if I'm not being understood, right? It's like talking to a mule. Not that I'm calling anyone a mule, of course! If I want to be a voice that matters and makes sense, I have to say something that matters and makes sense! So, if I write about a book I've just read, I should write it in a way that it entices you to read it, not give you half the story! Problem is, I don't know how to do that.
When I write, I write for myself. For my own inner satisfaction.However, I also want good reviews, which can't be guaranteed! I guess this would count as being the plight of a teenager. Not only wanting to do what you want, but also hankering for approval at the same time. My mom is going to call me melodramatic when she reads this and probably give me a piece of her mind! Ah.. Sorry about the rant! 


  1. WHAT? You can't give up on your dream because of one opinion.
    I know approval matters,A LOT.And being liked is important.
    But it's upto you take it.
    You will learn,eventually.We all begin somewhere.I can't even write a decent review! But that's not something that should stop you.
    That's how you get wonderful at anything,by believing in yourself to be good enough.
    And people will always have something to say,Negative,Positive..only let you affect it so much.Keep writing for yourself,that's how brilliant pieces of work come into existance:).

    1. I'll never stop writing! It means way too much to me..
      What I intended by this post was that I don't know whether I have the talent of the greats!
