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Tuesday, 1 October 2013


What happened to the good, old days, when someone new moved into the neighborhood, and people went out of their way to make them feel welcome? Now all people seem to do is torment the newcomers, making them wish they hadn't come in the first place. This isn't high school. And even if it was, the people in my colony would definitely not qualify as jocks and cheerleaders! We have new residents in our colony, and everyone here has gone out of their way to make them feel unwelcome.
Be it, confiscating their little boy's frisbee, or forbidding them from getting a dog. To the extent, that they have insulted them to their faces. Shut them out completely. Who in the world do they think they are?Dictators? If so, where's the charisma, because last I heard, that was a requirement in the job description.
I can't get over how uptight they are. They are way too self-important.
And seriously, what's with all the hazing? Most of them are approaching retirement, or already have. Isn't it time to grow up? Isn't it time to be mature and wise? Instead of being petty and mean to people who have done nothing to deserve it?
I guess, the world truly is a harsh place. Where you can't even get a friendly smile from your neighbor. Where the emotion you instigate with strangers is animosity. How is there any chance of creating relationships then? How can one expect to be happy in such a world? Tragic, tragic. Especially since we come from a culture that tells us that our guests should be treated like god. We've pretty much ruined chances of attaining salvation then too, haven't we?

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