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Monday, 26 January 2015

Lover of Losers

My family and I watch a lot of television. By television, I mean soap operas. And we get very involved with the characters. Their pain becomes our pain. My mother fell half in love with Dr. Gregory House while watching the show. Now everyone loves the central characters, don't they? So do I. But I feel sorry for the ones nobody likes. They're the good guys-but they generally aren't good looking. They're the plucky sidekicks. The guys who completely blend into a crowd. The guys you rarely remember. They are, for the lack of a better word, losers. I'm sorry about how mean that sounds. And I'm a self-proclaimed "lover of losers".
Somebody has to like them. Somebody has to root for them. If someone always roots for the underdog or for the obviously stronger candidate, who's going to cheer for the little guy who's too afraid to open his mouth? The could-be underdog? How are we ever going to get him out of the shadows? Everybody needs somebody other than themselves to believe in them. Big breaks only come to those who have had a chance to demonstrate their potential.
So, this is a trait that I am mocked endlessly for. All in good faith, of course. I think I do it because I could very easily have been one of those guys. I could very easily have done my very best to blend in, to be a face in the crowd. Sometimes I think I'm still capable of it. Its easy. Its easy to not try. But what all of us need to realise is that we owe it to ourselves. We owe it to ourselves to be our best possible versions. We owe it to the ones who dared to take a chance on us when no one else would. So, in those 'reject' characters, I see a glimpse of myself. A glimpse of what could have been, of what could be. It serves as a reminder. A reminder that, there are a lot of unheard voices out there, just dying to shout out. And I root for them in the hope that one day they shall find the courage to speak up.

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