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Sunday, 8 March 2015

International Women's Day

As my friend was shocked that I hadn't written a post in lieu of International Women's Day and I have time to kill on the long ride back from the airport, I decided to give it a go. I'm all for equal rights for women. I don't believe that I deserve to be put on a pedestal just because I'm a woman. I'm human, aren't I? I bleed, I cry, I laugh and I feel. Just as everyone else.
We may say its not a good time to be a woman. We say a lot of things. Its not a good time to be a Muslim because of the news we watch and read every single day. Its not a good time to be an engineer because there are way too many. Its not a good time in general. What we need to accept is that its never a good time for anything, unless we take matters into our own hands. So what if I'm a woman? Should I cower and hide behind a wall because it isn't safe out there? No. I can't do that. For the sake of my own sanity. We can't spend our lives being afraid. We can't spend our lives waiting for an opportunity. We need to make our own opportunities. And hell, we could rule the world if we put our minds to it. So, this International Women's Day, let's learn to take matters into our own hands and kick some ass.
Sorry for the short post, mind doesn't function beyond 10 P.M. :P

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