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Saturday, 7 May 2016

The Dying Breed of Gentlemen

Gentlemen are a dying breed. I know I'm a feminist, but that does not mean I want men to stop being gentlemen. My grandfather is a gentleman. He waits at the door until we are backed out of the driveway, he stands up when someone walks into the room, he holds the door open. And it's not that he does it just with the ladies, he does it with everyone. Because that's what a gentleman is. He, who treats everyone with respect and honour. Not because it's the right thing to do, but because he believes that everyone deserves it. He, who calls the waiter by his name and not by clicking his fingers. He, who listens to whatever the other person says with complete concentration, without looking bored, because he is genuinely interested.

Being a gentleman is not an art. A gentleman is just a man who's gentle and kind and caring and considerate. And when did we lose sight of this?

As for me, the man I fall in love with will have some very large shoes to fill. I have had the exceptional example of my grandfather, haven't I?


  1. Your point is so true!

  2. You and I walk into a restaurant. I hold out the door, pull out the chair, and do everything to let me in the category of "gentlemen". Let's not forget you are feminist. So fast forward to the end of our date, the bill arrives, and ofcosss I lay my rights on it, I say, no no, I pester you to allow me to pay the bill coz otherwise it would be less gentlemen-ish(ladki se paisa bharwaya, hawwwww, what an asshole yaa) But, as a proclaimed feminist,you take offence and do the unthinkable. You say we go dutch cuz a feminist represents a free, independent woman who doesn't depend on a man for the payment of a mere bill. So now we have a contradiction, to be or not to be a gentleman.Women ask us to be chivalrous but at the same time they want to be treated as equals. If you want equality, why don't you guys hold out the door then?you can be a feminist or want a gentleman. Both the things font go hand in hand! And maybe it is women or rather feminist woman who are also a reason for decrease in gentlemen? Think about this. :)
