Every girl should have a girlfriend. At least one. Because while boys are great fun to be with, they don't quite compare to a girlfriend. It's only with your girlfriends that you can sit looking like a homeless person and still behave like you're Miss Universe. A girlfriend will always tell you how nice you look when you're at a party because she knows the effort that has gone into your outfit and well, everyone likes a compliment, don't they? Also, who better to sit and gossip with? Having a girlfriend is almost as necessary as breathing. With your girlfriends, you can sing off-key, dance like absolute fools, exchange beauty tips and drool on celebrities and the cute boys in your class. Girlfriends are also there during all the issues. The heartbreak, the fights, the loss of a sense of purpose. They understand. They empathize. They also hold a way bigger grudge than you possibly could for the ones who hurt you. What makes a girlfriend special is the fact that she doesn't have to be like you, doesn't even have to have the same interests as you and yet, she manages to understand you on a level that no one else possibly can. Sure, there is the passive aggressive fighting which can implode once in a while, but true girlfriends will always be there for each other in anyway possible-to comfort, to bitch, to gossip, to lift each other's spirits, to be brutally honest even when it hurts, to stick up for each other and also to stop each other from becoming high maintenance divas. Girlfriends are your friends till the very end. And also, us girls have got to stick together!
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