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Thursday, 19 January 2017


How do you rescue someone who doesn't know that they need to be rescued? That's the thing. You dont. Because it's for them to rescue themselves. We're all our own damsels-in-distress and knights in shining armour. And unless we recognise and admit to ourselves that we have a problem, we aren't going to come to a solution, much less salvation and redemption. The world is filled with people who go through life feeling like everything is fine, that they're fine-blind to their flaws. How do we push ourselves to hold up a mirror to ourselves, to recognise that we have veered so far off the path to becoming good people that we don't even realise where we are going. We barricade ourselves with our psychological defenses, forming a fort around ourselves, expelling anything that dares to go against our definition of what's normal. I don't have the answer. I don't have most of the answers. For now, I'm going to focus on rescuing and fixing myself.

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