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Saturday, 28 April 2012

My trip to Bangkok

I am seriously running out of things to write about! I went to Bangkok this week! God, the malls there are huge! One time, me and my sister found this really cute shop that sold these extremely cute accessories like hairbands, bangles, clips etc., etc. The next day when we went to buy some more, we couldn't find it! We searched and searched and searched and searched. My use of the word several times should convey how much we searched! It was quite frustrating especially when your sister doesn't listen to you because she thinks you don't know squat! We spent the whole day there and didn't even cover all the floors of the mall, that was how huge it was! And then we bought bags and clothes and shoes! Oh God, the shoes! I think we bought about ten pairs! My sister tells me I'm a useless shopping buddy because I never offer my opinion on anything. There's actually no point in me offering my opinion because she takes it as an opportunity to make fun of me! I think she yelled at me an infinite number of times on this trip. Each time I'd open my mouth to say something, she'd just say and I quote,"Shut up, you don't know anything!".  My best experience was eating the ice-cream! I know, I know, I'm a total hog, but that's just me! The Cornetto ice-cream there is so much better than the flavours here! They shouldn't have removed 'Chocolate Truffle Tempt' and the brownie ice-cream and they most definitely should have kept the blackforest ice-cream the same! Not the disgusting thing that they have now! The original one was so much tastier! Anyway, I ate only two flavours there - Chocolate Royale and Black and White (a mixture of white and dark chocolate). Both were AMAZING! Then I ate gelato! I asked for two scoops and they gave me the equivalent of six instead! I couldn't finish it but it was tasty! Wow, I can't believe it's come down to this... I'm talking about ice-cream. I really do need something to do! My mom was right, I was more creative when I had studying to do! Anyway I also had a sundae, if you are interested! I won't bore you with the details! I'm usually a good flyer, but this time I had a bad experience. First of all, the flight was at 1 in the morning on the way there and then my sister kept fidgeting around in her sleep! Then on the way back, everyone around me was snoring and I was barely able to sleep! In Bangkok, other than shopping, we didn't have much to do so my sister and I watched this show called Greek together and also, of course, fought! My mom would spend the whole day working and then come back to the hotel room and we'd all go out for dinner! That pretty much sums up my trip to Bangkok!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

A Little Bit of Everything!

So, I'm running out of things to write about. There is absolutely nothing going on in my life right now. No new experiences, no funny stories. Nada, zip, zilch! My mom says that considering my board exams are over, I should be writing everyday and not wasting my time. I've always wanted to travel, you know. I want to see the world! Well, mostly Europe! I want to go to Athens to see the Parthenon, Rome to see the Sistine Chapel and the Colosseum, Verona to see Juliet's house, Paris to see the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, Belgium to eat the chocolates and Greece to... to just see Greece! It's also the reason I'm waiting for 'Mark of Athena' by Rick Riordan to come out! Because they go to Greece! They haven't given us a sneak peek! I wish the movies based on these books were as good as the books! Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief was such a disappointment compared to the book! If you haven't read the book, I'm sure it's very enjoyable but otherwise, it's not bad but not what I expected! It's the same with Harry Potter! The books are sooooo............ amazing! According to me, the last movie was the most disappointing! Even though many people wouldn't agree with me! I wish they'd shown Snape's memories better, shown us more of Fleur (I think she's really funny!), and in general just put more detail! It's really odd the number of people I know who haven't read Harry Potter! Practically all my friends haven't read it! They say it's boring and they might as well watch the movie. How can you call one of the most iconic books published during our lifetime boring? Wow, I can't believe I started this post talking about which places I wanted to see in the world and now I'm talking about Harry Potter! I guess this is the way conversations move too, isn't it? You start off with something and midway you realise that you're talking about something totally different! I think I'm going completely insane! Anyway, see you!(I know that the title is a little misleading because I've talked only about two things but calling it 'A Little Bit Of Two Things' is not as catchy, right?)

Monday, 16 April 2012


So, I've been doing a lot of reading these days, considering I have so much time on my hands! In the past few days I've read quite a few books of Robin Cook! He freaks me out a little! There's this one book where these two girls donate their eggs so that they can spend a semester of college abroad. One of them, Deborah, is studying microbiology, or something like that (I read it a long time ago, so forgive me if my memory is a little blurry!), so, anyway, she asks for local anaesthesia not general because she wants to know what's happening. Meanwhile, her friend, Jennifer is frightened of hospitals, so she agrees to general anaesthesia. And the doctors take out one of her ovaries! How scary is that! And then, in another book, Coma, some of the doctors, purposely kill off their patients and sell their organs in the black market! The most recent one I read was 'Mutation', where a couple, Victor and Marsha, desperately want a second child, so they try in-vitrio fertilisation and Victor, who is a scientist, fertilises the egg himself. He inserts a special gene into the zygote, so that the child turns out brilliant. He gets what he wants but Victor Junior also turns out to be a killing machine! I wonder if these things can actually happen! Imagine if they did! The world is already scary enough, if this happened, it would be like landing in a horror movie! I mean, we put our lives in their hands! There's this other book, where they purposefully give patients brain tumour! I didn't really understand that one because it had terms that I didn't understand and also that I wasn't really interested! Anyway, as long as this stuff happens in books, I'm fine. So, see you around!

Friday, 6 April 2012

Greek, Greek and more Greek!

Hi again! Last time I told you about my love for mythology but couldn't expand on it because I was absolutely starving and I wanted to eat my lunch! Doesn't it sound cool to be a professor of English Literature or Mythology? If I get a PhD, I'd be called Dr. Pallavi Kumar! As you know, my interest in mythology started because of Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson series, The Heroes of Olympus series and last but not least, The Kane Chronicles! The first deals with purely Greek mythology , the second is about Greek meeting Roman and the last is about Egyptian mythology! If I were to be a demigod (half human, half god), I'd fancy myself to be the daughter of Apollo because, I happen to think he is the least complicated of all the gods! I mean, Zeus, king of the gods and god of thunder and the sky, has to put up with his henpecking wife Hera and the insecurity that his brother Poseidon might try to usurp his throne, even though he has no such intention!.Hera, goddess of marriage and family, on the other hand has to deal with her cheating husband and obsess over having the Perfect Family, so much, that she actually threw her own son Hephaestus down a mountain because he was ugly, and then blamed it on Zeus! Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes and horses, has to deal with his brother and and manage his realm, that is the sea and deal with HIS jealous wife Amphitrite because of his affairs with mortals! Hades constantly feels that he is not truly an Olympian because he is never included in any of their gatherings on the solstice! Dionysus, god of wine and celebration, is too busy being punished by his father for chasing nymphs and then missing his wife Ariadne! Artemis, the huntress and goddess of the moon, is too busy recruiting young maidens who have been deceived in love and want to swear off men (which, frankly, I'm not that interested in! Although immortality is a tempting offer!). Demeter, goddess of agriculture, is just plain annoying, with her obsession about working in the fields and eating cereal! Hephaestus, master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods, god of fire and the forge, has way too many hang-ups about his mother and his adulterous wife and frankly, I don't find someone who only wants to work in his own garage all the time very appealing! And then he keeps trapping Aphrodite, his wife, and Ares, her lover whenever the meet for a rendezvous! Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and desire, although indescribably beautiful, is not my type because I highly doubt I'm anything like her. I have no fashion sense, I can't charm speak, so I have virtually no chance of being her daughter! And also, the fact that she has an affair with Ares when she is married to Hephaestus is not a very nice thing to do! Ares, the god of war, I just do not like! He is so violent and nasty and there isn't a single attractive quality about him! At least, according to me! Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy is cool. I wouldn't mind being her daughter either! And lastly, Hermes, messenger of the gods and the god of thieves. I'm not cunning enough to be his daughter! Whereas, Apollo, twin brother of Artemis, god of light, music, knowledge, poetry, prophecy and archery is soooo... amazing! He makes the sun rise and I'd really like to use one of his sonic arrows! He is protective of his sister Artemis and he brings sunlight in our lives. How cool is that? I know it's all not true, but it feels so good just to close my eyes and imagine that it is! In my dream world I've been to the Garden of the Hesperides, I've fought the Nemean lion and escaped Medusa! I know what you must be thinking. I spend half my time in another world! Well, it's true! That's just me! Anyway gotta go, bye!

Monday, 2 April 2012

I Don't Know What I'm Talking About!

It's not very easy to write, you know. It's not easy to express yourself and be completely honest. For me, it's practically the only thing I can do. Otherwise, everyone else considers me to be naive, or more aptly put, stupid! Writing, to me, is like a solace. An escape. It's the one place I get to express myself wholly and completely. Although I'm afraid of showing it to anyone, because criticism puts me into a bad mood, I know I have to, if I ever dream of being a serious writer. I don't have the talent of Khaled Hosseini or Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, all I have is passion and a desire for success and recognition! I started this blog as a rant towards my mother and sister, who still annoy me to a great extent. I started it, because I had something to say and no one to say it to without sounding whiny and self absorbed! I've never been a vocal person. I'm much better on paper than I am in expressing myself verbally. Writing comes easier to me, than speaking. Talking about something makes me nervous, and as soon as I am nervous, I stammer. I have never been able to look at a crowd during a speech, or a presentation and speak smoothly. And even if I do, my heart beats so hard in my ribcage that it feels like it's going to fall out. Writing makes me forget everything. All my troubles, my worries, ( I know what you're thinking, what should a 16 year old have to worry about? Sometimes I ask myself that!) everything disappears, and for a while it feels like the world is perfect. There's nothing to worry about. Writing makes me feel free like a bird! I love writing! My mom tells me that I should start writing about other things that I love. So that, I can make my blog about something. Up until now, the only things that interest me are literature and mythology. I absolutely adore mythology. And the thing that fascinates me about it is the fact that it is so intricately woven, that it's hard to believe it's not true. I got started on Greek mythology when I read Percy Jackson, Roman, when I read Heroes of Olympus, Egyptian, when I read The Kane Chronicles and of course Hindu after reading Ramayana and the Mahabharata and listening to stories from my grandparents! I'll talk about that later, because right now I'm starving, so I'm gonna go eat lunch! Bye!