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Saturday, 28 April 2012

My trip to Bangkok

I am seriously running out of things to write about! I went to Bangkok this week! God, the malls there are huge! One time, me and my sister found this really cute shop that sold these extremely cute accessories like hairbands, bangles, clips etc., etc. The next day when we went to buy some more, we couldn't find it! We searched and searched and searched and searched. My use of the word several times should convey how much we searched! It was quite frustrating especially when your sister doesn't listen to you because she thinks you don't know squat! We spent the whole day there and didn't even cover all the floors of the mall, that was how huge it was! And then we bought bags and clothes and shoes! Oh God, the shoes! I think we bought about ten pairs! My sister tells me I'm a useless shopping buddy because I never offer my opinion on anything. There's actually no point in me offering my opinion because she takes it as an opportunity to make fun of me! I think she yelled at me an infinite number of times on this trip. Each time I'd open my mouth to say something, she'd just say and I quote,"Shut up, you don't know anything!".  My best experience was eating the ice-cream! I know, I know, I'm a total hog, but that's just me! The Cornetto ice-cream there is so much better than the flavours here! They shouldn't have removed 'Chocolate Truffle Tempt' and the brownie ice-cream and they most definitely should have kept the blackforest ice-cream the same! Not the disgusting thing that they have now! The original one was so much tastier! Anyway, I ate only two flavours there - Chocolate Royale and Black and White (a mixture of white and dark chocolate). Both were AMAZING! Then I ate gelato! I asked for two scoops and they gave me the equivalent of six instead! I couldn't finish it but it was tasty! Wow, I can't believe it's come down to this... I'm talking about ice-cream. I really do need something to do! My mom was right, I was more creative when I had studying to do! Anyway I also had a sundae, if you are interested! I won't bore you with the details! I'm usually a good flyer, but this time I had a bad experience. First of all, the flight was at 1 in the morning on the way there and then my sister kept fidgeting around in her sleep! Then on the way back, everyone around me was snoring and I was barely able to sleep! In Bangkok, other than shopping, we didn't have much to do so my sister and I watched this show called Greek together and also, of course, fought! My mom would spend the whole day working and then come back to the hotel room and we'd all go out for dinner! That pretty much sums up my trip to Bangkok!

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