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Friday, 6 April 2012

Greek, Greek and more Greek!

Hi again! Last time I told you about my love for mythology but couldn't expand on it because I was absolutely starving and I wanted to eat my lunch! Doesn't it sound cool to be a professor of English Literature or Mythology? If I get a PhD, I'd be called Dr. Pallavi Kumar! As you know, my interest in mythology started because of Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson series, The Heroes of Olympus series and last but not least, The Kane Chronicles! The first deals with purely Greek mythology , the second is about Greek meeting Roman and the last is about Egyptian mythology! If I were to be a demigod (half human, half god), I'd fancy myself to be the daughter of Apollo because, I happen to think he is the least complicated of all the gods! I mean, Zeus, king of the gods and god of thunder and the sky, has to put up with his henpecking wife Hera and the insecurity that his brother Poseidon might try to usurp his throne, even though he has no such intention!.Hera, goddess of marriage and family, on the other hand has to deal with her cheating husband and obsess over having the Perfect Family, so much, that she actually threw her own son Hephaestus down a mountain because he was ugly, and then blamed it on Zeus! Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes and horses, has to deal with his brother and and manage his realm, that is the sea and deal with HIS jealous wife Amphitrite because of his affairs with mortals! Hades constantly feels that he is not truly an Olympian because he is never included in any of their gatherings on the solstice! Dionysus, god of wine and celebration, is too busy being punished by his father for chasing nymphs and then missing his wife Ariadne! Artemis, the huntress and goddess of the moon, is too busy recruiting young maidens who have been deceived in love and want to swear off men (which, frankly, I'm not that interested in! Although immortality is a tempting offer!). Demeter, goddess of agriculture, is just plain annoying, with her obsession about working in the fields and eating cereal! Hephaestus, master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods, god of fire and the forge, has way too many hang-ups about his mother and his adulterous wife and frankly, I don't find someone who only wants to work in his own garage all the time very appealing! And then he keeps trapping Aphrodite, his wife, and Ares, her lover whenever the meet for a rendezvous! Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and desire, although indescribably beautiful, is not my type because I highly doubt I'm anything like her. I have no fashion sense, I can't charm speak, so I have virtually no chance of being her daughter! And also, the fact that she has an affair with Ares when she is married to Hephaestus is not a very nice thing to do! Ares, the god of war, I just do not like! He is so violent and nasty and there isn't a single attractive quality about him! At least, according to me! Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy is cool. I wouldn't mind being her daughter either! And lastly, Hermes, messenger of the gods and the god of thieves. I'm not cunning enough to be his daughter! Whereas, Apollo, twin brother of Artemis, god of light, music, knowledge, poetry, prophecy and archery is soooo... amazing! He makes the sun rise and I'd really like to use one of his sonic arrows! He is protective of his sister Artemis and he brings sunlight in our lives. How cool is that? I know it's all not true, but it feels so good just to close my eyes and imagine that it is! In my dream world I've been to the Garden of the Hesperides, I've fought the Nemean lion and escaped Medusa! I know what you must be thinking. I spend half my time in another world! Well, it's true! That's just me! Anyway gotta go, bye!

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