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Saturday, 19 May 2012

My View of Paradise

Hello there! Sorry I didn't write for a long time. I'd gone to Barcelona and Paris! Europe is beautiful... Everyone has their views of paradise. It's mostly a beach with tropical climate but as usual I have a different view of paradise. It's Paris. I can see myself spending my entire life there. Brilliant weather, the most amazing food I've ever eaten, beautiful buildings and lovely people! What more do you need? I can imagine walking down Champs-Elysee's eating crepes or macaroons, visiting the Museum d'Orsay and admiring Monet, getting a caricature done at Eiffel Tower and writing stories in charming little cafes found all over Paris! That's paradise for me! And the added advantage is that you don't need to exercise! Because in Paris, like everyone else in Europe, you walk everywhere! It's a dream come true! Paris was all that I'd dreamed of and even more! I can just close my eyes and find myself there. I definitely want to go there again! I also still have to visit Versailles, so that's a reason. For me, walking through Paris is like jumping into a storybook, a fairytale! I was very sorry to leave-for two reasons- one, I wanted to see more of Paris and two, my board results were due any day. I wanted to live in my fairytale for just a little while longer. But that's the thing about fairytales... they end before you want them to. My results came out today. I didn't do as well as I wanted to but my family is happy and that's enough for me! Anyway, I'll see you soon, hopefully!

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