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Saturday, 28 July 2012

My Week!

Hello again! It's been two days since I've finished my exams and I feel completely lost! Like I have no sense of purpose! Even watching television is not keeping me entertained! The only time I feel really absorbed is when I'm reading! That's also a time when no one comes and disturbs me! Otherwise, people are asking me what to cook, what my plan is for the day etc etc. I just want to be left alone! I like chilling out by myself! It's my time for introspection or even just being! My exams went off alright! Fingers crossed! My classmates have begun calling me 'Oxford Dictionary', because I am apparently very good at English! I know I'm not bad, but I don't want people thinking I'm an expert! I mean, what if I do badly in my English exams? Then what? It would be mortifying! My mom is very happy that everyone seems to think I'm smart. She says it's better than being considered a twit, which it is! Considering Mamma and Didi call me that all the time it's quite an honour to be considered intelligent! One of my best friends is flying in from Ahmedabad on Wednesday and I can't wait to meet her! It's been a month since I've seen her and many of my other school friends! It's a chance for all of us to meet! Anyway, that pretty much sums up my week. I'm currently sitting on the sofa, eating an apple, wondering what to do next. I do have a movie to go to, so, that will be fun! Anyway, see you next time!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Hi! Life feels great! It's been a week since my last post! It's becoming a pattern! I always write only once a week! My mom says that I will become one of those bloggers who posts only once in a year! At the rate I'm going, I might actually end up believing her! I'm truly running out of things to say! Well, I went to see a movie (Cocktail) with a bunch of friends on Saturday! The first half of the movie was amazing! But the second half! Oh god! It was so slow! And so much drama! The final scene where Saif Ali Khan proposes to Diana was so annoying! Oops! Spoiler alert! But seriously, it took him so long to ask him to marry her! There were people in the theatre yelling and saying that any other girl would have run off by the time he got the words out of his mouth! So that was fun! And what else is new with me? My exams start in a week! Midterms, that is! I hope I do well! I have been studying, so that will pay off! My first set of exams in a new school! I'm so nervous! I haven't written an exam in a while! Well, that's about it! I guess with my sister gone, there's nothing very interesting going on with me! Oh right! I forgot something! Today she sent me a message saying she'd murder me if I let Mamma Facebook stalk her! Well, that's about it! Anyway bye! Hopefully I'll post soon!

Monday, 9 July 2012

The Da Vinci Code!

Hi there! Life is progressing at it's usual rate and there is absolutely nothing new with me! I've been reading quite a bit recently! Right now, I'm re-reading The Da Vinci Code for the sixth time! It definitely figures into my list of must read books! Although the movie was a huge disappointment (like all movies based on books), the book is brilliant! Ever since I read it a couple of years ago, I've been anxious to go to Paris to see the Louvre! And when I finally got to go this summer..... I didn't enjoy the museum at all! I mean the Picasso museum in Barcelona and the Musee d'Orsay in Paris was a zillion times better! But anyway, getting back to the book, it is one of the most gripping books I have ever read! It is also the only books of Dan Brown that I actually enjoyed! I mean, Angels and Demons was boring! The movie was way better! The facts given in this book are just so interesting! The theory of Mary Magdalene being in The Last Supper (I hope I get to see the painting in person!) and her being the Holy Grail! Learning about Da Vinci's inventions like the cryptex , (I don't know if it's real, but I like to think it is!) the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, analysis of various paintings! Considering I'm not a very good artist, I have great appreciation for those who are and those who truly understand the in depth meaning of it! Me, I have to read about it to understand it! for those of you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it, especially if you are a fan of thrillers!

Friday, 6 July 2012

School!'s been a week since my sister left for Delhi to do her MBA! As much as I thought I was ready for her departure, the reality hit me like a ton of bricks! The moment i said bye to her, my eyes started welling up and I cried all the way to school and in school too! God! How embarrassing! And to top it off, I went and twisted my ankle! I wasn't watching where I was going as I walked down the stairs and bam! Down I fell! Man that hurt! Anyway, school is fun! I've really started enjoying it! It's not just the students, the subjects are fun too! Especially English! At the risk of sounding like a geek, I can't express how happy I am to be doing Shakespeare! Macbeth is way more interesting! It is a political drama after all! English continues to be my favourite subject and now we have a teacher who's studied at NYU! Isn't that cool? There is a Math exhibition in my school on Tuesday and me and a couple of other girls had to make a chart! When we finished it today, we were covered in glitter! Today was loads of fun! And by the looks of it, everyday is going to be fun! This optimistic attitude is working for me, I think!