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Monday, 16 July 2012

Hi! Life feels great! It's been a week since my last post! It's becoming a pattern! I always write only once a week! My mom says that I will become one of those bloggers who posts only once in a year! At the rate I'm going, I might actually end up believing her! I'm truly running out of things to say! Well, I went to see a movie (Cocktail) with a bunch of friends on Saturday! The first half of the movie was amazing! But the second half! Oh god! It was so slow! And so much drama! The final scene where Saif Ali Khan proposes to Diana was so annoying! Oops! Spoiler alert! But seriously, it took him so long to ask him to marry her! There were people in the theatre yelling and saying that any other girl would have run off by the time he got the words out of his mouth! So that was fun! And what else is new with me? My exams start in a week! Midterms, that is! I hope I do well! I have been studying, so that will pay off! My first set of exams in a new school! I'm so nervous! I haven't written an exam in a while! Well, that's about it! I guess with my sister gone, there's nothing very interesting going on with me! Oh right! I forgot something! Today she sent me a message saying she'd murder me if I let Mamma Facebook stalk her! Well, that's about it! Anyway bye! Hopefully I'll post soon!

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