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Friday, 6 July 2012

School!'s been a week since my sister left for Delhi to do her MBA! As much as I thought I was ready for her departure, the reality hit me like a ton of bricks! The moment i said bye to her, my eyes started welling up and I cried all the way to school and in school too! God! How embarrassing! And to top it off, I went and twisted my ankle! I wasn't watching where I was going as I walked down the stairs and bam! Down I fell! Man that hurt! Anyway, school is fun! I've really started enjoying it! It's not just the students, the subjects are fun too! Especially English! At the risk of sounding like a geek, I can't express how happy I am to be doing Shakespeare! Macbeth is way more interesting! It is a political drama after all! English continues to be my favourite subject and now we have a teacher who's studied at NYU! Isn't that cool? There is a Math exhibition in my school on Tuesday and me and a couple of other girls had to make a chart! When we finished it today, we were covered in glitter! Today was loads of fun! And by the looks of it, everyday is going to be fun! This optimistic attitude is working for me, I think!

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