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Sunday, 10 March 2013

Biology is Not Destiny

As I write this I'm watching 'We the People' where the debate is about whether Indian women are combating bias in the armed forces. I honestly don't understand why most people think that women aren't brave enough to join the army or the navy or the air force. Women are capable of more courage than anyone. How does a country progress when its women are facing discrimination? How exactly does Finance Minister Chidambaram expect to end gender discrimination by just allocating 200 crores in the budget. Is that going to change the mindset of men? Forget about men, is it going to change the mindset of mother-in-laws? I frankly think that the mother-in-laws are the absolute worst! Most of them are under the delusion that just because they gave birth to sons, they are somehow superior. They feel like they have every right to subject the daughter-in-law to a life of slavery. They feel they have every right to make her cook an entire meal when she's recovering from an illness. They feel they have every right to decide what the girl wants to do with her life. How many cases of abuse, both mental and physical goes unreported every year in India? Why do people in India still believe that a woman's job is to cook good food, wash the clothes and be the perfect hostess? Anything else, she's called aggressive and over-ambitious. We may say that people's mindset is changing. But is it really true? Would a man willingly stay home with the kids, do the cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping? Or would he predictably think its beneath him?
Just because you're a girl, it can't determine what you do with your life. I don't think I'll ever stand being written off just because I'm a woman. If anything, we should be respected more because we are women! At the risk of sounding conceited, what makes men better than us? I mean, we can do what they do. Actually, we do it better than them most of the time! I resent the fact that some men assume that as soon as a woman has a baby, she is duty-bound to quit her job and devote all her time to taking care of her child. Not that I'm saying its a bad thing if a woman wants to spend time with her child, but the man will not consider it for a second, because the man is the apparent breadwinner, isn't it? God! When will men stop being the sexist, chauvinistic pigs that they have been since the beginning of time?

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