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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Lessons Learnt From A Chick Lit

Hmm... I don't think I've gone on such a long break before.. What does one do when suffering from writer's block? I started to write two posts, left both halfway! And I plan on making writing my career! Jolly good, isn't it? I hate writing bad stuff! Mostly because my mom gives me a hard time time about it but also because I feel unsatisfied with a bad post...  I haven't been reading much for the past few days, other than the occasional chick lit! People may call it trashy, but I don't think there's anything wrong with reading for pleasure. I mean what's the point of reading at all, if you aren't getting any pleasure out of it? I also think that if one doesn't get pleasure from what he/she reads, he/she don't even learn anything. Because it's only when you derive pleasure from something are you willing to learn from it. I don't understand the people who only read Malcolm Gladwell and then act as if they're superior to the ones who love books like Harry Potter.

There's always a lesson to learn from everything. From Lord of Rings, you learn that size is no estimation of power and that if you have friends all burdens are easier to bear. From Harry Potter you learn, that love is the strongest power in the world. From To Kill A Mockingbird you learn that you never really know anyone unless you step into their shoes and walk around in them. What my point is, is that every book, every film, is trying to send out a message! I think the message that chick lits send out is to never lose faith in true love. Because once you do, your view of the world turns a little jaded. It's my opinion! I love chick lits because it's nice to just get absorbed into the happening lives of young women, a lot like us in many ways and watch them find their soulmate! I love books, so I tend to speak of them very often! Don't mind me! This post is repititive, I know! But I just couldn't think of what to write!

1 comment:

  1. So true,the stuff about reading something for pleasure.
    and the fact that you don't learn unless it's fun! I wish more people would understand that.:P
