So, what does one write about when they literally have nothing to say? Well, if Milton, Bacon, Shakespeare and the other greats,of both the old and the present, had thought the same thing and stopped writing whatever they were in the middle of, we wouldn't have the epics, the poetry, the voluminous novels. We wouldn't feel what we normally feel when reading a particularly interesting novel. In a way, we feel the author owes us the privilege of getting his or her best. We are reading their books, after all. How would we know how they think, how they dream?
The truth is, years later, if we look at what we've written, we won't know what it was that we wrote when inspired, or when under compulsion. We won't be able to tell the difference. So, coming back to my point, what use is it to stop writing saying you have writer's block? It's just a state of mind anyway, isn't it?
I'm gonna go ahead and agree with your mom on this one.