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Wednesday, 16 July 2014

What Sets Us Apart

We're currently doing 'Paradise Lost' in our Literature class and we were given a short introduction to Adam and Eve. All of us have some idea about them. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were the first man and woman created by God, who were banished from the Garden of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit. What I found out today, was that they ate from the Tree of Knowledge. God didn't want mankind to have knowledge. As a result of this one mistake, mankind lost immortality and lost Paradise.
The only thing that really had an impact on me among all this, was that God didn't want us to acquire knowledge. I'm not religious, but I get it. God didn't want us to question. Because where there are questions, there's dissatisfaction. And all of us know that there's never an end to dissatisfaction. And there was probably no room for discontent in the Garden of Eden. We were given one instruction, and we couldn't follow that. We gave in to temptation. Although I do resent the misogynistic way they portrayed Eve as the one who ate the fruit. What? A man can't be tempted? Women need to stop being considered the lesser sex. But that's an argument for another time. 
So, we, as a species, have this thirst for knowledge that can't be quenched. Animals don't wonder why they eat a certain thing, nor do they feel any compulsion to change their diet. They don't question their role in the food chain. It comes naturally. I wonder if we are really better off. With this crazy thirst for knowledge, we've introduced the world to global warming. So, basically we have issued a death sentence not only for ourselves, but for the poor animals who've done nothing to deserve it. But it is this thirst that sets us apart. Makes us who we are. I repeat, I'm not religious; but these stories- these myths, have, at the root of them, a fact, a truth. And it'll do us some good to acknowledge that. It's never too late to learn our morals and values again. Maybe there's hope for us yet.

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