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Monday, 17 August 2015

What I Think About Love

On my way to college today, I was listening to a song that my friend was playing. It was obviously a romantic song and the girl was singing about how the guy she loved had become her everything- her laughter, her tears, her sky, her life. Yes, that's even cheesier than it sounds
I don't understand it. I don't understand a love like that. A love that's all consuming that your identity completely changes. A love that seems to be even more unconditional and blind than a mother's love for her child.
I understand love. I interpret it as having the courage to say what's hard to say because you care enough to say it. I see love as a meeting of two minds, of two hearts. I see it as intense and passionate, but I don't see it as something that takes away what makes you who you are. I don't see it as something that changes the way you define yourself.
And I really don't see how a love like that can last. Doesn't it get exhausting? That much intensity all the time? Why can't love be an interesting conversation over a cup of coffee? Why can't songs be written about that? Simple, uncomplicated and happy.
Life is complicated enough as it is, why add this Romeo-Juliet touch to romances? I've never understood the appeal of these kinds of love stories. They're completely overrated. They couldn't stand the thought of living without each other that they would rather die? Come on! Elope, for God's sake. Figure something out. There's no need to kill yourself. And these are just stories you read in books and hear at bedtime. Love like that doesn't exist. And if it does, it happens once in a century. So that we can fawn over it till we find the next one

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