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Saturday, 15 August 2015

You May Say That I'm A Dreamer, But I'm Not The Only One

So, I wrote this poem approximately 5-6 years ago. I came across it yesterday when my mother was asking me why I couldn't write lyrics like John Lennon's 'Imagine'. I was reminded of this poem. And I thought, since today is Independence Day, I might as well talk about the world I dream of living in-

On the wind, across the sea
There is a world waiting just for me
A world with no sorrow
A world with a better tomorrow
A world green and serene
All this is possible, if you can dream

A land filled with love
And stars twinkling high above
A smile on every face
And sorrow, not a trace
The sun shines with a yellow-gold sheen
All this is possible if you can dream

Friendship, love, family
There can't be a greater gift given so generously
The melody of life
An ocean of learning to dive
Only possible if you can dream

Now I wonder what was going on in my head when I wrote this and it also makes me wonder why I stopped writing poetry. Somehow I look at it and see a child. And I wonder if it's possible for me to start again.

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