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Friday, 30 December 2016

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve has to be the most overrated day of the year. You're actually under pressure to have fun. Where's the fun in that? You dress up, pay to go to some party where the music is so loud that you can't hear your own voice much less anyone else's, dance in your heels till your feet are sore, scream "Happy New Year" at midnight and then what? Its like this huge drumroll seeming like it's leading up to something awesome and then falls flat. What do you do next? It's back to the real world. Back to our ruts, our unglamorous lives. It's almost like the withdrawal symptoms when recovering from an addiction. Why should there be so much pressure to have fun? It's like a system of one-upmanship. Who had the most fun last night? Who danced the night away? Who was at the most happening place? New Year's Eve is basically planned spontaneity-how ridiculous does that sound? But like other traditions, I guess this is one too. Despite how annoying some of them can be, we indulge in them because it's what we do. We cant really do without them. We could ease up on the pressure though. Not all of us are party animals (myself included). Ironically, I have a party to go to tonight. Ah well, farewell 2016! It wasn't particularly nice knowing you and 2017, please be good!

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