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Saturday, 24 December 2011
Elder Sisters Are Evil! No Offense!
I think, once I start blogging I can't stop and once I stop and I cannot start again for a long time. My latest theory is that all elder sisters are evil! No offense to anyone but being the younger one I speak from experience! My sister does not lose an opportunity to taunt me every time she gets a chance! Practically all the time she says that she is our mother's favorite daughter and that Mamma loves her more! I try to ignore it but how much can a little girl like me handle? And she has given me a dozen nicknames of her own! The least embarrassing of which is Pig with a couple of adjectives which I have decided I am not at liberty to say. It's not fair! She makes me want to pull all my hair out and attack her! No one makes me feel so violent as she does, I actually feel like biting her head off and my mom says one these days, if I don't control my temper I might actually do it! And to add insult to injury, while I am peacefully sleeping or just lying down and reading a book or watching tv, she comes and pokes me in my stomach calling me fatty and when I tell her to stop, she says and I quote,"but I love you Chunna!" Isn't that extremely annoying. I do admit that she takes good care of me when my mom is not around and thinks she is my mother during that time and sometimes even when my actual mom is around! I'm willing to bet that when my mom reads this she will oppose it greatly and my sister might actually beat me up! I hope I have at least a few people on my side because the younger ones are the ones who get taken advantage of all the time. Didn't you read in my last post about the queen and slave game? And she made me play a bedtime game that got me into trouble with my mom! Anyone who agrees or even disagrees is allowed to comment! Goodnight! Sweet dreams!
A Little Feedback....
So, a few days ago I got some feedback from one of my friends about my blog and he said that my blog lacked substance and was too casual. Like he has ever written a blog! Because if he had he would know that writing a blog isn't always about hard hitting stuff like mouthing off about terrorists or the Lokpal bill or something. It's not easy to write one either. A blog is about expressing your voice and saying stuff you think no one listens to and in my case that's a lot! For example, sometimes I think my elder sister is the meanest person on the planet and my mom is partial to her (even though she'll vehemently deny it), how I can't stand people controlling me, how I feel like screaming when someone constantly repeats something and telling them to shut up, how I always feel people switch off when I start talking about mythology, my desire to live in another time dimension where people can do magic and I am this beautiful little princess and the list goes on! A blog is about what matters to you and you only and nothing else! For me a blog is a way to live my dreams, well, the impossible ones anyway! I know I'll never be a princess in real life, even when I was a little girl and played with my sister, I used to be the slave and she, the queen! Quite unfair, isn't it? And anyway, I'm sure my friend didn't mean any harm by the comment and anyway I decided I shouldn't take offense at comments lke these! We'll see how long it lasts!
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
I'm sorry if my last post was less than satisfactory. My stubbornness won over my common sense as usual! My sister says I've lost my touch! And god, did that hurt! Writing is practically the only thing I'm good at and if I'm not good at it anymore, I'm practically useless. So.. what do I write about to prove her wrong? That's a tough one! Hmm.. let me think! Oh I know! Christmas is coming! I love Christmas time! Although I've never seen snow, I've always imagined it and it seems so beautiful but Mamma says that snow is terribly cold and I will hate it once I experience it. Nonetheless, I've always wanted to make a snowman, have a snowball fight, light up the fireplace when inside and eat chocolate chip cookies all the while looking at a beautifully decorated christmas tree! Another thing I love is the decorations! They are so amazing- doves, holly, bells, cotton that's made to look like snow and the lights! But I think a Christmas tree is incomplete without presents. I figured out Santa Claus wasn't real a long time ago but I just love the thought that Santa comes down the chimney, eats the milk and cookies left for him and leaves us all the presents that we asked for in our letter to him. My sister and I still write a letter to Santa Claus every single year and then give it to our mother. Although it seems childish, Christmas is like a second birthday to me. You get up in the morning, go downstairs and see presents lying under the tree and for a moment, if only for a moment, you believe that Santa Claus is real and he has left those presents, you feel wonderful. All this talk about Christmas reminds me I have to write my letter to Santa Claus! Bye!
Some Teachers Can Be So Annoying!
Right now sports day practice is going on and the 10th class has to march as usual. I can't stand marching and nor do I want to take part in the sports day and these teachers think that we really want to march in the hot, scorching sun and listen to them giving some speech about their childhood and how they were all so eager to please THEIR teachers and we are so disrespectful. I can't stand preaching. I think, teenagers then and teenagers now are the same except now we just have the internet and everything. And when we are marching they keep yelling at us. How the hell are we supposed to concentrate? I won't take names but this one teacher keeps saying that I don't do 'eyes right' properly. Fine, I admit I was looking a little to the front one time because one of my friends was making me laugh and I was trying not to and then when I was actually doing it, she starts yelling my name and expects me not to turn around and look! It's instinct!And I march pretty well and she insults me by saying some fool who can't coordinate her hands and legs is marching so well! It goes to show that they don't pay attention to anything! By this I don't mean all the teachers, a few happen to be quite nice and attentive. I'm just pissed with one in particular! I just can't wait for the sports day to get over! Luckily it's tomorrow!
Friday, 16 December 2011
A Lawyer? Me?
Well... I'm bored! writing on a blog is hard! half the time I'm afraid I'll offend someone! I'm always in this perpetual state of fear that I might hurt someone with my words although my mom says it doesn't stop me! just yesterday she told me she would put me in law coaching after my boards! although I fancy the idea of being a cool lawyer like Reggie Love (The Client), I may not be as brilliant! What if I'm bad at it? I will never be a criminal lawyer because sometimes you have to defend the criminals too and that goes against my principles. It would make my granddad ecstatic though! my mom knows that I want to be a journalist and she says that I can be both at the same time! AND, on top of that they want me to become an IAS officer! I mean, come on! I don't want to work for the government! And do you have any idea how much I'd have to study? I already have to be yelled at to study for my boards, imagine- I think everyone in my family would go crazy making me study then! unless, of course, I actually become responsible! I guess I could become a lawyer! I do like the idea! What do you think?
Monday, 12 December 2011
I'm just blabbering!
I hate being told what to do! it drives me completely insane. I know most of the time its for my own good but I don't like it when people dictate terms to me. it makes me even more convinced that I should do the thing they are telling me not to do! my mom says I'm extremely stubborn because I don't do anything that I don't want to do like studying, for example. Sorry I sound so negative, I'm not in the greatest mood. Writing or reading usually calms me down as writing helps me vent and reading occupies my mind.Even talking about it calms me down!After a fight with my sister or my mom I sometimes shut myself in a room and just talk to myself. Initially I'm just venting my anger and frustration, and then I start creating a story or I think of one that I've just read and think about how I would have written it. What touch could I add to it? I'm a total sucker for stories! Reading, to me is like going to another world, seeing the world through another's eyes, seeing beauty in the smallest of things. It's like getting a new perspective on life, on everything!When I was a kid my mom couldn't drag me away from 'The Faraway Tree' for a long time until she finally put her foot down and gave them away, so I was forced to read other books. And thank god I did, otherwise I would never know the beauty of books. You know what the best thing about books is? They don't judge. They just give. They are like loyal friends. Told you it would calm me down! It's so easy to talk about something I know and enjoy. I can do it without being afraid of being ridiculed or angering someone. I can be just me. Now coming back to books, I can't choose a favourite like I keeping asking my family to, because I love all books. I will read anything I can get my hands on. There have been very few books that I haven't liked. I love John Grisham, Robin Cook, Meg Cabot, Rick Riordan, Nora Roberts,Jhumpa Lahiri, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Mary Higgins Clark, Agatha Christie, J.K Rowling and the list goes on and on. It's so hard to pick a favourite especially if you like so many genres. Mostly I like well written books that can take me to another world, make me experience new things, things I didn't know before. I hope I didn't bore you with my talk about books, I didn't know what else to say!
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Hi again! I hope you enjoyed my last post. Anyway, let me pick up where I left off,my family. My mom has this annoying habit off giving me these extraordinarily weird nicknames and I get a new one almost every single day. The most recent is 'Chinese people', weird, right? She got it from this show called 24 which all of us watch together. I too have an annoying habit of reading about what's gonna happen on the show before it does because I can't take the suspense and in the previous season, the protagonist Jack Bauer was going to get kidnapped by the Chinese government and I knew it was going to happen but I didn't know when so every single time something would happen I would exclaim that the chinese people had come and my momandmy sister started annoying me about it. When we started watching it again the nickname came into being. It's embarrassing to have an endless number of nicknames and most of them are gibberish.I can't even tell you how weird they are and there is no way in hell that I will ever post my nicknames online because if someone I knew read it I would never hear the end of it! If you heard the nicknames, you'd think they were for a 2 year old kid! On top of that, my darling elder sister, because of whom I got my first nickname 'chunna' which actually stuck[isn't that embarrassing enough?] constantly annoys me about it making them sound even more embarrassing because she talks in that horribly mushy tone one uses while cooing over a baby except in this case she is pretending to coo over a 15 year old who is going to turn 16 in a few months! I thank my stars that my friends don't know what my mom calls me [other than chunna, of course] or they would never let me hear the end of it. Even though I find all my nicknames incredibly annoying, I could never get used to my mom or my sister calling me by my actual name Pallavi. They say it's too sophisticated for someone like me who is totally mental [not clinically, but just a little crack]. Anyway, I should get going, time to study!
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Umm.... Hi!
So... I've never really written a blog before nor have I posted any of my writings online and I'm kind of nervous. My mom told me I should write a blog to improve my creativity! I guess I should start off by introducing myself. My name is Pallavi Kumar, I'm almost 16 years old, I'm in 10th class in Gitanjali Devshala. I love reading, writing etc. What else can I say? Ever since the 7th grade i've wanted to make a career out of writing and in the 8th i decided that i wanted to be a journalist, not film journalist but a serious one like Barkha Dutt! i want to cover stories like 9/11,26/11,major earthquakes, political unrest etc. but my mom says i don't pay enough attention to the news now, so i probably won't be interested then too! the only knowledgeable thing that i'm interested in is mythology! i know i may sound like a geek but i'm far from one.
my mom and my elder sister combined have to force me to study. i sound lame, don't i? but cut me some slack, i can't be as brilliant a blogger as Santosh Desai! i'm not a very confident writer, not a very confident person actually! i've always needed praise to make me think i'm good at anything otherwise i think whatever i do is total crap! mamma has always said that i should build up my self esteem otherwise people will constantly make me feel bad about myself and i should believe in myself! easier said than done when you are born in a family of high achievers! my mom is from IIT and IIM, my sister- state topper in the 12th boards and here i am a girl who can't even get the first rank! i hope i'm not sounding self-piteous! if i am you can just quote my sister by saying,"Get over yourself Chunna!" leave out the 'chunna' part though.That's a nickname that my dear sister gave me! I have absolutely no clue how many people are going to be reading this blog but whoever they are I hope they enjoyed my first post. I hope I can write better than this in the future! But for now I'm just saying hi!
my mom and my elder sister combined have to force me to study. i sound lame, don't i? but cut me some slack, i can't be as brilliant a blogger as Santosh Desai! i'm not a very confident writer, not a very confident person actually! i've always needed praise to make me think i'm good at anything otherwise i think whatever i do is total crap! mamma has always said that i should build up my self esteem otherwise people will constantly make me feel bad about myself and i should believe in myself! easier said than done when you are born in a family of high achievers! my mom is from IIT and IIM, my sister- state topper in the 12th boards and here i am a girl who can't even get the first rank! i hope i'm not sounding self-piteous! if i am you can just quote my sister by saying,"Get over yourself Chunna!" leave out the 'chunna' part though.That's a nickname that my dear sister gave me! I have absolutely no clue how many people are going to be reading this blog but whoever they are I hope they enjoyed my first post. I hope I can write better than this in the future! But for now I'm just saying hi!
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