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Monday, 12 December 2011

I'm just blabbering!

I hate being told what to do! it drives me completely insane. I know most of the time its for my own good but I don't like it when people dictate terms to me. it makes me even more convinced that I should do the thing they are telling me not to do! my mom says I'm extremely stubborn because I don't do anything that I don't want to do like studying, for example. Sorry I sound so negative, I'm not in the greatest mood. Writing or reading usually calms me down as writing helps me vent and reading occupies my mind.Even talking about it calms me down!After a fight with my sister or my mom I sometimes shut myself in a room and just talk to myself. Initially I'm just venting my anger and frustration, and then I start creating a story or I think of one that I've just read and think about how I would have written it. What touch could I add to it? I'm a total sucker for stories! Reading, to me is like going to another world, seeing the world through another's eyes, seeing beauty in the smallest of things. It's like getting a new perspective on life, on everything!When I was a kid my mom couldn't drag me away from 'The Faraway Tree' for a long time until she finally put her foot down and gave them away, so I was forced to read other books. And thank god I did, otherwise I would never know the beauty of books. You know what the best thing about books is? They don't judge. They just give. They are like loyal friends. Told you it would calm me down! It's so easy to talk about something I know and enjoy. I can do it without being afraid of being ridiculed or angering someone. I can be just me. Now coming back to books, I can't choose a favourite like I keeping asking my family to, because I love all books. I will read anything I can get my hands on. There have been very few books that I haven't liked. I love John Grisham, Robin Cook, Meg Cabot, Rick Riordan, Nora Roberts,Jhumpa Lahiri, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Mary Higgins Clark, Agatha Christie, J.K Rowling and the list goes on and on. It's so hard to pick a favourite especially if you like so many genres. Mostly I like well written books that can take me to another world, make me experience new things, things I didn't know before. I hope I didn't bore you with my talk about books, I didn't know what else to say!

1 comment:

  1. Keep reading and writing. We love reading your posts
