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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Umm.... Hi!

So... I've never really written a blog before nor have I posted any of my writings online and I'm kind of nervous. My mom told me I should write a blog to improve my creativity! I guess I should start off by introducing myself. My name is Pallavi Kumar, I'm almost 16 years old, I'm in 10th class in Gitanjali Devshala. I love reading, writing etc. What else can I say? Ever since the 7th grade i've wanted to make a career out of writing and in the 8th i decided that i wanted to be a journalist, not film journalist but a serious one like Barkha Dutt! i want to cover stories like 9/11,26/11,major earthquakes, political unrest etc. but my mom says i don't pay enough attention to the news now, so i probably won't be interested then too! the only knowledgeable thing that i'm interested in is mythology! i know i may sound like a geek but i'm far from one.
my mom and my elder sister combined have to force me to study. i sound lame, don't i? but cut me some slack, i can't be as brilliant a blogger as Santosh Desai! i'm not a very confident writer, not a very confident person actually! i've always needed praise to make me think i'm good at anything otherwise i think whatever i do is total crap! mamma has always said that i should build up my self esteem otherwise people will constantly make me feel bad about myself and i should believe in myself! easier said than done when you are born in a family of high achievers! my mom is from IIT and IIM, my sister- state topper in the 12th boards and here i am a girl who can't even get the first rank! i hope i'm not sounding self-piteous! if i am you can just quote my sister by saying,"Get over yourself Chunna!" leave out the 'chunna' part though.That's a nickname that my dear sister gave me! I have absolutely no clue how many people are going to be reading this blog but whoever they are I hope they enjoyed my first post. I hope I can write better than this in the future! But for now I'm just saying hi!

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