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Saturday, 24 December 2011

A Little Feedback....

So, a few days ago I got some feedback from one of my friends about my blog and he said that my blog lacked substance and was too casual. Like he has ever written a blog! Because if he had he would know that writing a blog isn't always about hard hitting stuff like mouthing off about terrorists or the Lokpal bill or something. It's not easy to write one either. A blog is about expressing your voice and saying stuff you think no one listens to and in my case that's a lot! For example, sometimes I think my elder sister is the meanest person on the planet and my mom is partial to her (even though she'll vehemently deny it), how I can't stand people controlling me, how I feel like screaming when someone constantly repeats something and telling them to shut up, how I always feel people switch off when I start talking about mythology, my desire to live in another time dimension where people can do magic and I am this beautiful little princess and the list goes on! A blog is about what matters to you and you only and nothing else! For me a blog is a way to live my dreams, well, the impossible ones anyway! I know I'll never be a princess in real life, even when I was a little girl and played with my sister, I used to be the slave and she, the queen! Quite unfair, isn't it? And anyway, I'm sure my friend didn't mean any harm by the comment and anyway I decided I shouldn't take offense at comments lke these! We'll see how long it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't have to be one or the other. By all means write about fantasy. But we would love to hear your thoughts on other stuff as well. And by that I mean your thoughts only. Not what someone else expects you to write. Btw did Santa visit this year? What did he get you?
