I wouldn't have known about it, if a friend hadn't asked me to go watch it. It's a beautiful video showing this man who is lost and asks this woman on the street for directions. As serendipity would have it, they fall in love and live happily ever after. And then they say none of this would have happened if the guy had been using GPS on his phone. The video asks you to look up at the world, instead of down at your phone.
While I was quite moved by the video, I couldn't understand why people were sharing it. Wasn't it the point of the video to stop people from doing that? To stop people from continuing to morph into automatons? I guess social media has become a part of us. It's consumed us. Look at me for that matter. I'm not half as vocal in person around most people. And I'm obsessed with Whatsapp. I remember when I was a kid, after school my sister and I spent our afternoons at our grandmother's house playing hide & seek, watering the garden, playing hopscotch and badminton (well, I tried to play badminton, but I was no good). Thinking of it makes me nostalgic and want to go back to that simpler, happier time. My mother constantly tells me of her childhood. How she never spent a moment inside unless she had to study. How she cycled to school. People seemed happier then. I guess social media, instead of making the world a smaller place has made people unable to interact with others or to form a bond.
All of us need to take a step back and give serious thought to this. Have we truly become slaves to technology? And if we have, why aren't we trying to do something about it? What all of us seek is connection. What most of us don't realise is that everyone else out there is seeking the same thing we are. Reach out. Connect. I think I should do the same. Otherwise I'd be a hypocrite.
It is as if we have become blind! I mean look at what you have written for example. The video was meant to show us that we'd be better off with a lesser influence of social media and technology but what did people do? they shared it and made it the next hot topic on social media using the technology hardly anyone can live without! can you see what i am trying to convey? They just don't see that they are doing exactly what the video doesn't want us to do! just go back and check how many likes that video got and you'll know! At this point of time only restraint is possible because if people, on a larger scale, wanted the present scenario to change, something would have been done to achieve it by now. Comfort is something no one likes to give up and we all are just too comfortable in this introverted cocoon of ours!