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Sunday, 18 May 2014

The Institution We Like To Call Marriage

I've just watched '2 States' for the second time. Who knew getting married can be so complicated? You have to be liked by the partner's parents and the both families have to like each other. What happened to just falling in love and living happily ever after?
It's hard enough finding the right partner, and to add to it, you have to find the right family? Staying single seems to be a much better prospect to me. In a wedding, it isn't two people getting married, it's two families. And I wonder if this is a quality unique to Indian families, but both parties seem to think they have one up on each other. It's not a competition for gods' sake. It's your kids getting married. They've decided to marry each other. It's about them. Not you. What a warped system this is. Looking at how complicated a wedding can be, who would even want to get married?
Marriage is a common topic of discussion in my house these days because apparently my sister has reached the 'marriageable' age. What does that even mean? Just because you're 23 or above doesn't mean you're ready to make that big a commitment. Ah, the perils of being an adult. Always having to worry about what to say, what not to say. It's easy being a kid. Even if you say something politically incorrect, people think it's cute.

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