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Sunday, 15 June 2014

Attacking the Blameless

War. What is it good for?! In my opinion, we should just listen to music, eat good food and be content with what we have. Discontent is the reason we had the disastrous World Wars. Everyone got greedy and wanted to conquer the world to make it their own. News flash, that's impossible. Us human beings are a selfish lot. We don't let anyone or anything live in peace. We've cut down numerous dense forests to build ugly skyscrapers. We've endangered so many animals just to get their fur, or the ivory from the tusks or something. We use it in the coats we wear, the bags we carry, we mount stuffed heads on our walls. Don't people get creeped out wearing or carrying something that used to be alive? Don't those crazy morons that hunt for fun have nightmares that the stuffed heads of the animals they've, will come to life and devour them whole or trample them? We are such a self absorbed bunch that we don't even get that the animals are living things too. Why are we waging a one sided war against animals that have done nothing to deserve the treatment we give them? Don't they deserve to live? They wouldn't be wandering into cities if we weren't destroying their habitats. And they wouldn't attack us unless they felt threatened. And they would feel threatened only if we invade their habitat and come at them with those monstrous guns of ours. 
Everyone deserves a shot at living their lives to the fullest. Them, more than others. Because they haven't done anything to harm anyone. They do what they do to survive. They aren't evil. They aren't conniving and they most certainly aren't the ones responsible for global warming. We just HAVE to mess everything up, don't we? Who are we helping by committing unspeakable atrocities on blameless animals? All we are doing is creating imbalance in nature. Attacking innocents who are powerless against guns and bombs is unfair and cruel. The ones we don't kill, we cage. No one should live in captivity. It's unimaginable for us to spend our lives in a box. Not being able to do as we please. These animals were born free. And they deserve to be free, they deserve to run wild. They definitely have a better grasp on what's good for themselves than we do. It's only when they are free, that they can defend themselves. They don't need the animal rights activists to fight for them. They'll do just fine themselves. It's us that needs to learn how to fight fair. 

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