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Saturday, 21 June 2014

Looking Like An Escaped Convict.

What is it about passport size photographs that makes all of us look like escaped convicts? I, for one, look like the kind of person whose photo parents show their children to scare them into drinking their milk or eating their vegetables, otherwise I'll come get them. We aren't allowed to smile. Just stare blankly into the camera with lights shining on our faces. We look terrifying. Especially me. I look like a juvenile kid who got on the wrong side of the tracks and is getting her first mugshot for drug dealing or whatnot. 
How does a smile distort one's features that we aren't allowed to do it for our passports or visas? I'm not talking about a full blown 'Jokeresque' smile, but a small one (although, my friends say my smile is as wide as the Joker's). So that we look at least happy. And NORMAL. Not psychotic mental patients who want to burn your house down with you in it. I get scared of my own photo. If that's how I look when I'm not smiling, it's quite disconcerting. Maybe I should just smile more. To be on the safe side.

1 comment:

  1. Agree!! But I wonder whether the reason for looking like that in a passport photo is that most countries want to make Indians feel that way. It is ironic how many of them have plundered, raped, destroyed our country and much of their wealth and status owes its origin to us and yet when we need to visit we are treated like beggars and undesired riffraff.
