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Monday, 9 June 2014

Uncommonly Common Violence.

In Nigeria, Boko Haram continues it's kidnapping of young girls. In Pakistan, the Taliban attacks it's own people. In the United States of America, there's a story of a shooting taking place in a school, a college or some public place. The world becomes an increasingly frightening place each day. Each day, you hear of another tragedy. Another casualty.
And the most tragic part of it all is, that we turn a blind eye to it all. Because it isn't happening to us. Or to people we know. We sympathise, yes. Our eyes tear up when we see Malala Yousafzai delivering a moving speech and continuing her fight for girls' education. A grown man doesn't have the courage that she, a 17 year old, does. But none of us want to be a part of it. We don't want to be part of the fight against the evil that plagues our world.
How does someone get so brainwashed that they take up arms against their own people? All in the name of religion? Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, at their very core, all preach the very same thing. Being honest and true. None of them tell us to be rabid in our beliefs. None of them tell us that we have to turn to violence to get our voices heard.
Trust us to screw everything up. A war doesn't solve anything. Blowing up things doesn't solve anything. Blowing YOURSELF up definitely doesn't solve anything. It's an insult to one's religion to turn to violence in it's name. No God would ever tell us to invent weapons of mass destruction. No God would tell us to kill innocent people. We are so hellbent on playing God, we don't realise that we are destroying ourselves. And it's not just violence in the things we do. Violence has seeped into our words. The way we speak when angry or annoyed is violent. As much as we hate to admit, violence is a part of our lives, of us. And the only way we can rid ourselves of it is by trying to do something that can make a difference. We are so used to hearing bad news, we hardly react to it anymore. It's time that we get up and do something. React. Show outrage. Show grief. Show spirit. Show courage.

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