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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Speak Now

Resentment is a long and lasting emotion. It seethes and simmers as you go about your daily routine, slowly building up, piling up all the little irritants and one day the pipe bursts and there's destruction all around, killing every relationship in it's wake. Especially the ones that count. This is something avoiders go through. And yes, I'm aware that isn't a real word. 'Avoiders' also tend to be pushovers. They agree or disagree just for the heck of not wanting confrontations.
The problem usually starts out small. Perhaps, with something someone said.They probably didn't mean any harm and the matter could be solved in a matter of minutes and that would be it. But the matter isn't resolved and it stays at the back of your head like a parasite, gnawing at your happiness and peace of mind. And before you know it, you can't take it anymore and you let all that pent-up anger out. Instead of resolving things, it just makes things worse. Because the issues that seemed like everything, suddenly seem frivolous. Instead of feeling relieved that you got it all out, you feel empty.
Holding on to a grudge helps no one. It just makes you lonely. And no one likes being lonely. So, what I intended on saying through this post was that holding on to anger and resentment has never turned out good for anybody. Live for the moment. Don't let silly problems hold you back. Confront them as soon as you meet them, don't duck for cover. Speaking up for yourself is a sign that you respect yourself. Don't get walked all over. If you want to make people happy, do it. But don't do it at the risk of your unhappiness. You're not an inanimate object with no feelings and don't you dare let anyone treat you like that. You don't want to spend your life pandering to someone else's demands, while yours can go to hell. It's a choice you make. And only you can make it. You can't blame the rest of the world for the fact that you're a self-pitying spineless fool who can't defend himself/herself. So, make the right choice. Life is too short for anything else. Speak now. The world is a more accepting place than you think. Don't be afraid to voice what you feel. When you love something, say it. When you're upset or angry, say it. You have no idea how much of a difference it can make.

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