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Thursday, 23 October 2014

A Letter To Oneself

Hey! You there in the mirror! Who are you? You sure look like me, but you don't seem insecure. You look confident. You don't look like you're worried about the little flab you have around your waist. You look like a girl who knows she's attractive, not one who wants to slip back into your shorts and baggy t-shirts
Its a scary world out there, you know? Full of treachery and heartbreak. You'll find happiness, you'll find friends, but you will also find betrayal and pain. Don't let that ruin your smile. Don't let that silence your laugh. Your eyes that sparkle with hope and promise of what might be waiting for you; don't let them dim. Don't pay any heed to people who try to make you feel bad about yourself, about your body, about your mind. Remember, you can't be made to feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt said that. And don't you ever forget that.
No one knows you the way you know yourself. And always remember to love yourself. Stroke your ego a little. It never harmed anybody. Don't forget to smile. Cry too, but most of the time, smile. So remember, keep your eyes sparkling, your smile bright and your laugh contagious.

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