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Monday, 17 August 2015

What I Think About Love

On my way to college today, I was listening to a song that my friend was playing. It was obviously a romantic song and the girl was singing about how the guy she loved had become her everything- her laughter, her tears, her sky, her life. Yes, that's even cheesier than it sounds
I don't understand it. I don't understand a love like that. A love that's all consuming that your identity completely changes. A love that seems to be even more unconditional and blind than a mother's love for her child.
I understand love. I interpret it as having the courage to say what's hard to say because you care enough to say it. I see love as a meeting of two minds, of two hearts. I see it as intense and passionate, but I don't see it as something that takes away what makes you who you are. I don't see it as something that changes the way you define yourself.
And I really don't see how a love like that can last. Doesn't it get exhausting? That much intensity all the time? Why can't love be an interesting conversation over a cup of coffee? Why can't songs be written about that? Simple, uncomplicated and happy.
Life is complicated enough as it is, why add this Romeo-Juliet touch to romances? I've never understood the appeal of these kinds of love stories. They're completely overrated. They couldn't stand the thought of living without each other that they would rather die? Come on! Elope, for God's sake. Figure something out. There's no need to kill yourself. And these are just stories you read in books and hear at bedtime. Love like that doesn't exist. And if it does, it happens once in a century. So that we can fawn over it till we find the next one

Saturday, 15 August 2015

You May Say That I'm A Dreamer, But I'm Not The Only One

So, I wrote this poem approximately 5-6 years ago. I came across it yesterday when my mother was asking me why I couldn't write lyrics like John Lennon's 'Imagine'. I was reminded of this poem. And I thought, since today is Independence Day, I might as well talk about the world I dream of living in-

On the wind, across the sea
There is a world waiting just for me
A world with no sorrow
A world with a better tomorrow
A world green and serene
All this is possible, if you can dream

A land filled with love
And stars twinkling high above
A smile on every face
And sorrow, not a trace
The sun shines with a yellow-gold sheen
All this is possible if you can dream

Friendship, love, family
There can't be a greater gift given so generously
The melody of life
An ocean of learning to dive
Only possible if you can dream

Now I wonder what was going on in my head when I wrote this and it also makes me wonder why I stopped writing poetry. Somehow I look at it and see a child. And I wonder if it's possible for me to start again.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Becoming A Dragon Slayer

Honestly, sometimes I wish the world would end. It seems to get uglier every single day. This report about ISIS executing 19 women for refusing to be their sex slaves is truly horrifying. They were executed for refusing to indulge in sexual jihad, which, according to Wikipedia is-

"Sexual jihad (Arabic: جهاد النكاح‎, jihad al-nikah) is a controversial practice of women within some Wahhabist groups who are allegedly voluntarily offering themselves in sexual comfort roles to men fighting for the establishment of Islamic rule."

Not only this, a translated ISIS pamphlet was found to be a rate card for prices of Yazidi or Christian women of different age groups-ranging from $43 to $172. The women can be as old as 40-50 or even as young as 1-9. How depraved, how evil do you have to be? What has happened to the world? That we have sunk to such a level that we've basically become the dregs of society? How sick do you have to be to even consider such an idea? The tragedy is that even though most of us will shake our heads in horror and disgust, we aren't really surprised with it. The zillions of reports of rapes, of child abuse on the news has gotten us accustomed to the idea that there are sick perverts in the world. What do we do about it? What can we do about it? The futility of my question bothers me.
There has to be a solution to this. If it were up to me, I'd probably mace them and then set a pack of hungry wild dogs loose on them. But then, we can't take justice into our own hands. If Hell exists, there is a special space reserved just for the sick, perverted, convoluted minds that seem to be growing by the day.
The fact that there is a market where people can be bought and sold for a listed price, makes me want to gag in horror. What is it with the need to dominate, the need to assert one's supremacy, the need to have absolute control over another human being? Why is it that we are so helpless? Forget about protecting others, we are unable to protect ourselves from any kind of threat. We know nothing about self-defense. And the one thing we do have? Our voices? We don't take any advantage of the gift of communication that all is have been blessed with. And the ones who do, meet fates like those poor young women. Its enough to frighten anyone. But should we stop? Just because we are afraid, we shouldn't stand up for what's right? We shouldn't fight for the legacy Nirbhaya left behind? That brave, young girl with a promising future; she could have been any one of us. Her life changed forever in just a matter of minutes. What truly set her apart? The fact that she fought with the courage of a soldier at war till her very last breath. All of us have it within us, the strength to fight for what's right. It's up to us to look within and find the grit that will help us stand up for what we believe in and fight against what we think is evil. We love fairytales, don't we? The Prince slays the dragon and saves the princess? Well, why don't we become the dragon slayers ourselves and protect what we hold sacred? No harm trying, right?

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Courage is a Rarity

We are doing Pygmalion this semester. Which brought back fond memories of 'My Fair Lady'. And when you think of that movie, you have to remember how exquisitely beautiful Audrey Hepburn was. I was reading her Wikipedia page where I saw that she was trained in ballet, and she danced to raise money for the Dutch resistance (against the Nazis) and also occasionally acted as a courier for them, delivering messages and packages. She was no more than 15 or 16. So much courage. And she was the daughter of Nazi sympathisers.
It's truly one thing to say you feel empathy and just talk about it and it's another thing to actually get up and do something about it. Its a completely different thing to try to make a difference. All of us hate the Taliban, we hate the ISIS, we hate child labour, but how many of us have the courage that Malala Yousufzai or Kailash Satyarthi do? It's all well and good to talk about the tragedy and go, "tch tch" with pity. We just can't take a stand, can we? We are so frightened that our lives and our lifestyles might be harmed in some way. We are so afraid that something might happen to us, as is happening to the world around us. The fact that these atrocities are happening in the world around us, to our own species, inflicted by our own species eludes us. How can we stand by and watch people who aren't so different from us, people with families, people with responsibilties get hurt and tortured? How can we watch a child's future get destroyed? How are we human if the instinct to protect our own kind is weaker than our fear of something untoward happening to us? How is it it that 99% of us don't have the courage to stand up for what's right, but by some miracle, there is that tiny fraction of society that still believes in humanity and had the courage to speak their mind and do what they said they would?