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Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Sometimes I wonder what is more important-faith or love? By faith, I dont mean faith in God. I mean faith in a person. It's easy to love someone but have no faith in them. But if you don't love someone, you can never have faith in them. Faith, to me, is an irrevocable belief that you can do it. No matter what anyone says. I have faith in a lot of things. I have faith in my mother, in my sister. I have faith that somewhere out there, my soul mate is waiting for me. I have faith that I will find my way. I have faith that everyone has good in them. I have faith in the idea of faith. Having someone have faith in you is frightening and exhilarating. You don't want to let them down, but it somehow propels you to work harder. When someone doesn't have faith in you, or you don't have faith in yourself, what's going to push you to succeed? I think faith is even more important than love. Because you rarely choose whom you love. But you can choose to have faith in that person. Faith is something that you have to earn. You can love your dog with all your heart, but you needn't have faith that it's not going to eat up the trash when you're not looking.
I'm still working on having faith in myself. Its not as easy as it looks. It's only when I believe that I can do it that others can take a leap of faith when it comes to me.

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